
Scroll Margin

Utilities for controlling the scroll offset around items in a snap container.

Basic usage

Setting the scroll margin

Use the scroll-m{side}-{size} utilities to set the scroll offset around items within a snap container.

<div className="snap-x ...">
  <div className="**scroll-ml-6** snap-start ...">
    <img src="" />
  <div className="**scroll-ml-6** snap-start ...">
    <img src="" />
  <div className="**scroll-ml-6** snap-start ...">
    <img src="" />
  <div className="**scroll-ml-6** snap-start ...">
    <img src="" />
  <div className="**scroll-ml-6** snap-start ...">
    <img src="" />

Using negative values

To use a negative scroll margin value, prefix the className name with a dash to convert it to a negative value.

<div className="**-scroll-ml-6** snap-start ...">
  <!-- ... -->